Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett

How Many?!

Today was just going to be a run of the mill blip. I bought some anemones this morning, which I love, and thought they would photograph well. But then I realised today is actually quite a special blip day, as this blip is my 2,000th! So whilst I had my sewing machine out this afternoon, I decided to embroider a little tag to commemorate the occasion!

I started blipping (2,000 days ago) to give myself a visual diary of my kids growing up, the things we as a family do together and also of things that catch my eye and make me smile. It's got easier over the years with the advent of the iPhone, as you can take the photo and upload so easily now. Recently I got a bit behind with the uploading but I have caught up and am determined to keep it as a daily routine.

So happy blip day to me!

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