All Aboard!
Second day in school for part 2 of the Op Art/Pop Art project. And the theme was Railways and printing! Knackering but actually very civilised as I worked with two children at a time in the printing corner whilst occasionally rushing off to see how the Op Art background was going on. We had special card and you just cut into it with your pencil - far easier than good old lino printing. The acrylic ink though gets everywhere and the first disaster was the paper we were taking the prints from was not good enough quality and got stuck on the boards. Also the yellow acrylic was useless. Paper changed, yellow discarded and we were flying! One more morning to put everything together and I'm done!
It's Election Day here - we did the business this morning but no candidates inspire much enthusiasm.
And I meant to say, my photo from yesterday was indeed the bones of a whale - a glimpse through the ribs of a large fin whale that was washed ashore below Kilbrittain and the villagers were eventually allowed to display the bones! Quite an odd sight next to the playground!
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