Master Craft

CCN and I had a lovely catchup with our close friends Jim and Marg this afternoon.  We always try and call in as soon as we can after our travels to give them a blow by blow description of our journey.  We also wanted to drop off a few of those wonderful Ricardos Tomatoes that we had stumbled across near Port Macquarie.

Jim was all set up today to start another of his amazing tapestries.  This new one will be an image of the glorious lorikeet, a bird that I have blipped many times over the past couple of years.  Jim really is amazing and has won many prizes at the local Craft Show in Blackheath.  His work is just exquisite and I know secretly he's very proud of his masterpieces.  I've added another image tonight of a tapestry that proudly hangs on his wall. I hope you enjoy the Kookaburra Tapestry as much as we do.

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