Looking up
It was a beautiful morning on Arnside Knott. The sunrise took me by surprise at about 0713, I had my timings all wrong. This was taken after the sun had been up for twenty minutes, from a vantage point that was previously obscured by sapling sycamores - now cleared by the National Trust (and alleviating my concern for the wood ant nest that was becoming too shaded). The sun is just out of shot to the right, and within a couple of weeks it will be rising over the flat top of Ingleborough again - which has become quite a pivotal point in my mental calendar.
There is good news of the Old Flyer to whom I had said goodbye on Saturday before the long journey home on Sunday. I had come home feeling terribly despondent, despite his cheerfulness when I was there. But now, my sister has found the perfect place for him to go for a month of respite, and if he likes it there, he can stay for as long as he wants. There were a few hiccups on the way, but with the help of his wonderful carer Janie, we have got past them. Tomorrow will be a big day for him.
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