Observations along the dog walking route

Can't help but wonder how someone has decided to dump his broken tyre into the forest near us?

Noticed that today is an Inconvenience Yourself Day. 
Its goal or mission is not only to recognise a person's self awareness in life, but also to acknowledge other people's lives and actions as well. There are times where you need to put yourself first, but this day, try to put someone else before you. This unofficial holiday is celebrated on the 4th Wednesday in February.

 WikiHow instructs how to celebrate the day: 

1. Be there for someone else emotionally.  
2. Make children feel appreciated. 
3. Perform a random act of kindness to a stranger. 
4. Be patient on the road.
5. Achieve success at work.
6. Avoid doing "me" things. 
7. Reflect on "Inconvenience Yourself Day".

I add one more point to the list: never ever litter.

0°C, cloudy

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