MonoMonday Challenge - 109 Ancestors

I can't remember if I've posted this one in the past (I don't think so), and staying in theme with the other MM109 posts...

From a batch of old negatives (I believe old silver gelatin) that I scanned two summers ago.  While not in the TOO far distant past, I love that it is an original mono shot from nearly 80 years ago... These three are the children of my grandmother on my mother's side and taken by the same.  i.e. my mother is the one on the right.  lol  (just trying to make it sound more ancestrial)  I have the old Kodak Jr that took this photo and have posted here a long time ago.  It's not worth very much, but the sentimental value is priceless!

Thanks to MsLinda for hosting MonoMonday.

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