Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

End of an era

We have lived in this house for nine years. The anniversary was last week. Believe it or not but it was sunny.

Anyway this door and lock went in soon after. I have locked this door countless times, forgotten my key.....at least 7 times. Normally it's ok cos hubby has Key.

Not today....as got ready to traipse round to parents evening it started to rain. I was somewhat beleaguered, upset at the fact I was in sandals and a dress. Upset that ds2 was in shorts.I was all of a mither and went back in to get some other shoes on. DH repeatedly told me that he had no key to the door.......I walked out of the door and slammed it.

Yup no keys. Left them half way up the stairs. Best of it all I had not even changed my shoes.

We went to parents evening. Ds1 is doing ok but struggling in phonics. DD doing well.

Then we walked home and in the rain. Luckily the car was open so we got in that and waited for our very lovely friend to come up and drill the lock. DH went round the corner and bought him a Mars Bar to say thank you.

Honestly..... a totally rubbish end to what was a nice day. Took my uncle to the QE to see his wife and my other uncle is in the operating theatre again tomorrow.

Dinner was a bowl of cereal. The kids ate properly but I could not be assed and DH was going out.

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