Snow on Ronas

There has been some sunny spells today but it's mostly been overcast and showers, chilly too.

Day off and slept a bit longer than planned, must have needed it.  I finally managed to get out with Sammy.  I went for a run with Brian in the late afternoon, he got a new car.  We went north, Sammy too and headed for the Hillswick Hotel for lunch.  After lunch, a walk about Hillswick and then a bit further north to Collafirth.  Been along friends Madeline and Big Brian for tea and had reestit mutton tattie soup, with home made bannocks.  I haven't been down to see granny today, my car isn't working right but hopefully get it seen to soon.  Off to work in the pub later tonight.

While we were up north, we went for a run up the old Collafirth hill.  There was snow on the higher hills, Collafirth is 233m, next is Mid Field at 388m and then Ronas Hill, Shetland's highest at 450m.  You do get a feel of the Arctic Tundra when you are up these hills and a great view across Shetland on a fine day :)

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