My Restless Lens

By terri365

1129 - 22 Feb 2016 - Hawkleymuir Factory

This is an old linen works that is being converted into 10 flats for Fife Council.  It is Category C listed and only the rear elevation was meant to be roughcasted...  The contractor decided to roughcast the gable end too!  I now have to make a Listed Building application for this...  

In other news, and if you are squeamish don't read on...

Dale informed me one of the hamsters is dead so I went to investigate - they have obviously been fighting and it appears one has killed the other and proceeded to eat it!  That happened with her other hamsters - they clearly have cannibalistic tendencies!!!

It's interesting how Pets At Home tell you they are better in pairs but when you Google "why do hamsters eat each other", it's because once they reach adulthood they are territorial, fight each other and the stronger ones kill the weaker ones...

This poor hamster has no internal organs left, no brain, no eyes - just very long teeth, bones and skin!  

Every day is a learning day!

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