
My lovely tulips from Mr K are just getting to the good stage. They're dying!
Another big day today - Miss L's taster day at the new school.
I was very organised last night and got all their bags ready so we didn't have our usual last minute panic! Miss L was dressed and had had breakfast by 7am. She was keen to get going!
She bounced out of the car when we got to the school and skipped to the door whooping. Then she stepped over the threshold and turned into a mute! It was quite a transformation!!
She happily went off hand in hand with the two girls who'd came to collect her. Not a backward glance, just like her sister!
I dropped Miss E at school and headed to Harris + Hoole to meet Mrs L for a couple of hours chatting, drinking tea and extolling the virtues of quinoa!
The rest of the day was spent washing up, reading about Longplayer, listening to it and writing about it. 
Then it was time to get my gorgeous Miss L. 
I had a nice chat with the headmistress before picking her up. I think - I hope - it'll be a good fit for the Little Misses. Pastoral care is a priority.
Miss L had a lovely day, made lots of friends, painted a fabulous "lamel" (a smiling lion with an enormous hump!) and most importantly announced that she "absolutely, definitely" wants to go to the new school. What a relief!

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