Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Free & Almost Religious

Such was the feeling when my dentist removed the gum shield thingy that has been holding my teeth apart these last 4 and a bit weeks. For the first time I could feel and see what has changed and it's big. I still have a brace and even more elastic bands in an even more complicated configuration but at least my teeth can all touch, amazing. Although I can't eat carrots, apples, pizza crusts and similar I can get off soup & yoghourt. Mrs Cph has luckily taken most of the post removal blathering so I don't have to wax lyrical here but, suffice to say, that I am well chuffed.

Hell of a long way to go yet, up to a year, but I'll be back at work on Monday and eating challenging fruit in less than a month.

I have missed food.

I really liked some others.

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