Complementary colors
red and green
blue and orange
yellow and violet
The complement of each primary color (red, blue, or yellow) is roughly the color made by mixing the other two in a subtractive system:
The use of complementary colors is an important aspect of aesthetically pleasing art and graphic design. This also extends to other fields such as contrasting colors in logos and retail display. When placed next to each other, complements make each other appear brighter. On an artistic color wheel, complementary colors are placed opposite one another.
Complementary Colors
I'm waiting for our internet/TV/telephone service provider. If our service doesn't improve we will be switching to the competition. T spent ages on the phone with them last night, so we shall see what today brings...
For the Record,
This day came in a bit warmer and I can feel the humidity building again, so can Nelson !
p.s. I so love my blip from last year.
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