Growing old disgracefully



...drop me a line, stating points of view...

Managed not to sleep in, and so had breakfast and some morning nonsense with the VIP. An afternoon of plotting and planning was followed by the weekly visit of my son and heir.  Yet again I was soundly trounced at Scrabble - sigh.

Preparation of the new work venue is almost complete and I may be able to share some images next week.  It has only been three weeks since I took on the lease, but it feels like ten.  The exhaustion and mild panic I feel from time to time about having taken it on is oddly countered by a deep sense of peace and wellbeing every time I walk through the door.  For me, it certainly has a bit of yon mindful ambience thingy going for it.  I just hope others find that too. 

What about you?  Are you affected by particular spaces?

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