The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Courage and carnations

Because it took a modicum of courage for me to rejoin the group of women writers. I led workshops for them for seven years. Then it was time for me to have a break. Eight and a half years later, x is in a new house and about to become a grandmother, Y has been bereaved, Z has several serious health problems, and there are two new faces at our table.

We had an inspiring afternoon, sharing cake and exercises we'd brought, while the wind wuthered and the rain flung itself against the two-hundred year old panes. I remain in shock about X's imminent grandmother- hood. Her only daughter wore a neat school uniform and kept gerbils in a cage when we first held groups at her cottage, several properties ago...

We've decided to try meeting regularly, and to revolve the responsibility of chairing the meeting, so to speak. I reserve the right to bring a revolving chair.

My revolving chair has a padded green seat and ergonomic wooden arms. I sit and twirl and trace the grain with my fingers. It is, without question, the best chair I have ever owned.

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