On Display

I have been a member of Plant Heritage (the charity formerly known as NCCPG - work that one out!) for over twenty years but have rarely attended meetings due to work and family commitments.  I hold a National Collection of species crocus under their auspices so it is nice that I am now able to take a more active part.  Today I took a small display of crocuses along to their monthly meeting and they were much admired.  The meeting today was not really garden related at all but Dr Carl Sayer's talk about Saving Norfolk's Ponds was both entertaining and very interesting.  As is so often the case the energy and enthusiasm of the speaker carried us all along with him as he showed us how these neglected wildlife havens can be rescued.  There are 23,000 ponds in Norfolk (excluding the garden variety), so far Carl's team have recovered 22 ...... just 22 (not 22,000) .... so spreading the word and inspiring others is a key part of the ongoing project.  

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