Kit's Year

By Kit267

Tonight Am Going To Curl Up On The Sofa Like Paddy

Dressage didn't go quite as well as planned today. I could blame it on being woken up by the cat at 5.30, or maybe it was the wind and rain as we were warming up, or the buzzing electrics in the arena, if I was really mean I could blame the people who turned up to watch putting me off (they didn't) or maybe Jankerman's camera as he was photographer for the day (truth is I never knew it was there) or even that I wasn't wearing my lucky socks...but the reality is that Johnny and I were just not in the groove today and I even made a number of stupid mistakes losing valuable marks in the first test.

So for tonight I am going to curl up on the sofa like Paddy, watch some rubbish TV and tomorrow I will set about getting ready for the next competition and in the words of my Dad remember that 'even Rory McIlroy has his off days'..

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