Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Tekki Nidan

Selfie day, so karate. I had a choice of two, in the end. Both are ok colour or B&W, but I've chosen B&W. Focus was not spot on with either - or perhaps I was still moving when the shutter opened. Anyway ...

Tekki Nidan is a kata I learned when training at the New Lynn dojo while on holiday in Auckland in January. I'm still working on it, and it's very short, but it's already one of my favourites. My interpretation (bunkai - analysis) of it is fairly vicious too: it's a nasty bit of work, if I'm right; one of the things that makes me wonder if I might have it wrong is that it seems possibly a tad excessive a response to a bear-hug. (Then again, someone grabs you from behind, you don't know what's going to happen, perhaps such a response is just right...)

Bettr; Flickr.

The other (which, btw, I interpret as a knee to the head - the hands at my hip being indicative of pulling the head towards said hip... Like I said, it's a nasty bit of work.)


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