Cardiff Arcades - Clothes and Coffee
Cawson ni prynhawn hyfryd yn y dre gyda'n gilydd. Cawson ni lot o hwyl yn yr arcedau - mae llawer o siopau gwahanol yna. Aethon i ginio yn Torre Coffee yn gyferbyn â'r Castell. Mae'r bwyd yna yn dda iawn. Treulion ni awr (neu dwy) yn pori'r dillad ail-law yn 'Annie & Co'. Maen nhw'n gwerthu llawer o bethau - bagiau, addurniadau a dillad hefyd. Prynon ni dwy got. Roedd e'n neis i gael siawns i grwydro trwy'r arcedau. Roedd e'n teimlo fe gŵyl.
We had a lovely afternoon in town together. We had a lot of fun in the arcades - there are many different shops there. We went to Torre Coffee opposite the Castle for lunch. The food there is very good. We spent an hour (or two) are browsing second-hand clothes in 'Annie & Co'. They sell a lot of stuff - bags, accessories and clothing as well. We bought two coats. It was nice to get a chance to wander through the arcades. It felt like a holiday..
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