Retro Bike Ride

2years 265days

In the early hours of this morning, the little lady asleep next to me stirred. It didnt sound like proper awake, so I pretended to be asleep in the hope she'd settle back off. She pulled the covers back off me, poked me and shook my arm. When she realised I was asleep, she stroked my arm, put the covers back, patted me and lay back down beside me, pulling the covers round herself. I rolled over and gave her a kiss as she went off and she stroked my face before snuggling in to me. She slept like that til just before 5 when she woke wanting a bath, which she had. She then played with her dolls and friends for a while, before coming to me and saying she wanted to go back to sleep. I've never known her to do that. She got back in beside me again and we both slept til 7.30!

She was already dressed and fed so I got dressed in a few minutes flat to get us to nursery in time. I asked if she wanted to take her bike. She always looks so proud when she's whizzing along on it.

She stopped inside nursery to say hello to the (now much bigger!) chickies before we went to her room. She was a bit wobblier today. She wouldnt take her coat off for a start, which is always a sign she's a bit nervous. The room was a lot busier when we arrived, because we were a bit later than normal. I dont know if thats why, but we had tears when I left for the first time. But she went to the (male) assistant room manager and from outside I watched her sat on his knee reading a story.

Grandad and I went to pick her up and they said that she'd had a brilliant day. She had gone up to one of the staff and told them a big story about Monkey. They said she had asked to play with Brooke so they'd let her go into the toddler garden for a little bit and that she'd coped really well with just going to see her for a little bit and then taking herself back into preschool for the rest of the time.

On the way home Katie said "I wanted to find Brooke because I'd lost her. I'd lost her so I need two Brooke's so I can keep one in preschool".

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