Friday Smiles

After coming home last night to (apologies for the mental image) a large trail of cat sick all around the house, I (Annie) was on the lookout for Yogi's health today. When he continued a cycle of eating and carpet redecoration throughout the morning, I made an appointment at the vet's. He's lost 1kg in weight since we last had him in around 2 months ago which shocked us (he's a big cat, so that's not as extreme as it could be, but still...). He'll be back into the vet's on Monday for blood tests, poor thing - fingers crossed.

Tonight I (Chris) was invited over to the Lotus cars dealership at Silverstone for a launch evening for the new Lotus 3-Eleven. It's a car I can pretty much never imagine owning (too expensive, totally impractical) but you have to dream sometimes. It's good to see the brand putting these type of fab cars together after a few dodgy years. Good excuse to take our Elise out too. 

We've loved reading all of the comments on Blip Central today. It's made us smile a lot.

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