Ruscombe hamlet, viewed from Bread Street

I went to visit Philip B. this morning to discuss the Stroud Community TV Awards evening we are coordinating as part of the imminent Stroud Film Festival.  Philip is the driving force behind Stroud Community TV but I am delighted to be able to help with technical support for the event.  I will be showing all the winning films and runners-up played from my laptop onto the screen in our local pub, as we did for the first time last year.

When I left Philip's home I drove a short way up Bread Street towards Ruscombe and spotted this view towards the head of the valley.  I parked and crossed the road from where I took this picture.  It shows where the houses are grouped around the point at which the spring comes out of the limestone hillside to begin flowing down hill and becoming the Ruscombe Brook, eventually flowing into the River Frome just outside Stroud town. Below the road the land is very wet and marks where the clay outcrops.  You can easily see the 'spring line' running around the hillside marking where houses are best built, above the water.

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