2016 Thursday -- Add Codes
It's the first week of the new semester and many students are wanting an "add code" to get entrance into a class. I have met all five of my classes and introduced them to the requirements of the course. I have assigned the first week's work and they all have an essay due when I meet them next week.
So today I had several students approach me by email asking if I would send them an "add code." I responded politely (that I would not), but what I really want to tell them is that they've missed their plane. Sheeeesh! I can't get on a plane that left yesterday and entering a class a week late is ridiculous.
I've been without a voice since noon on Tuesday. This has not been a good "first week" of the semester, but two classes of students were very gracious today as I whispered for two hours to each class the introductory material to begin their semester in Basic English Composition. At the end of those four hours, I was spent!
I am very sick.
Good night from southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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