The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Confined to barracks ..

I've been stuck in the house today. The hearing aid chap came this morning to check mum's aids ..  and in the afternoon I had my home check by the animal welfare place. They normally come to check if your garden's suitable once you've 'picked' your dog. 

You may remember that I was wondering about getting a huge chicken run thing because it would have been so expensive to dog proof the garden. When I told them that, they said they'd come to give me advice before I spent any money, which was good of them.

I'd been slightly concerned about the foxes, and hoped they keep a low profile while the home check went ahead. Of course there was no sign of them all day - until five minutes before Amy (the home checker) arrived.

Predictably - five minutes before she arrived, four foxes arrived!

I opened the back door as noisily as I could, but they just sat and watched. Fortunately when Amy saw them she just admired them and said how much she loves foxes. 
We walked around the garden - she suggested (which was my own first thought all those weeks ago) that all I needed to do was secure the concrete area just around the back door and not bother with the rest of the garden at all.
She said until I and a dog had got to trust each other I could take it into the garden on a lead .. and when I felt the time was right - as long as I didn't leave it out there alone - it would be fine in the garden without bothering to dog proof it further.
Meanwhile several dog owning friends have more or less convinced me that a puppy is a better idea than an elderly dog. I'm told a puppy will just want to please its 'person' and will fit in more easily with the home routine than an older dog which may be more set in its ways.

A friend has a gorgeous coton de tulear and there may be a litter of puppies in the summer ..  I'm keeping my options open .. but I think the puppy idea's looking rather appealling.

Here's Sweetpea doing his ever so appealling look outside the kitchen window just now.

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