
By Nikksnacks

Wholemeal Banana Bread

Had a few overripe bananas to use so decided to whip up a banana bread since it's Jbeau's favourite. No sooner had I pulled it out the oven, that there was someone at our buzzer. Strange....are we expecting company??

Turned out we were ... Jbeau had made an appointment to talk to his financial adviser. Only problem was that Jbeau was still at work and wasn't coming home for another 45mins! He had completely forgot about it.

So how do I placate this poor sod until Jbeau gets home?? Ah, of course, with a big piece of banana bread, still hot from the oven. With that and chat about his grandkids, he was only too happy to forgive a very apologetic Jbeau when he finally walked through the door.

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