Wednesday Girls

It snowed overnight, not heavily, just a coating.  It looked dull and liable to snow again as we girls set off on the bus to Carmunnock, and walked up Cathkin Braes, having a coffee stop first at the Cathkin Braes Golf Club, the oldest golf club in Glasgow.

After going to the viewpoint, sadly not many views today, we walked back to the village of Carmunnock and then through Coulter's Wood to the Kittoch Farm and the Farm Museum, where we stopped for a coffee, before splitting up to go our own ways home.

We had a dull morning, but the afternoon was bright and sunny.  I have included two extras of our walk.  The main picture shows some of the flooding in the area over the last few weeks, but it made a pretty photo, I thought.

When I checked, I was surprised that we had walked seven miles, it was very leisurely and didn't feel like that at all.

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