The Way I See Things



I'd had half a plan to go up to Chipping Campden this morning to take some more photos in and around the church, but our spell of chilly sunshine seems to have ended and the weather today has been vile. I wouldn't admit this to everyone, but if you promise not to tell people what a slob I am I'll confess that I didn't even make it out of my pyjamas till lunch time - instead, I sat cozily at my computer with a succession of cups of tea, playing with my web site.

Eventually the rain eased to a drizzle, so I cantered through the shower before it could change its mind and took Arthur out. He wasn't impressed, and I didn't blame him - it was cold. When we got half way round the village and he said "That was lovely, thank you, but enough is a sufficiency and I'd like to go home now," I didn't bother arguing with him, and as we turned down the path over the bridge his gait changed from the mincing trot he uses when he's trying not to splash his undercarriage with muddy water, to a fast clip that had me power walking to keep up with him. I always rein him in at the end of the path because it opens straight onto the road and he's oblivious to traffic, but as soon as I'd checked that it was safe and released the tension on his lead he actually broke into a run, and towed me the rest of the way home.

Having dried out and thawed out I fetched the camera downstairs, intending to take a set of shots of some rather nice white lilies I bought at the end of last week - but then somehow I found myself back outside, photographing wet flowers. The two I especially liked were this euphorbia, and a perfect droplet (with selfie reflection) on one of my dark hellebores - but I don't remember posting a euphorbia before and I like the way it has converted to mono, so I've put the hellebore in as an extra.

I'm off out to choir rehearsal now, which should be fun - I've reached the stage I always get to in the preparation of a piece, at which I know it well enough for it to play in my head in a continuous loop. According to the weather forecast the temperature is dropping sharply and it may well be raining in lumps by the time I'm trying to get back down the Cotswold Edge - so that's something to look forward to!

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