
By Tommy0161

Entrances...please read...thank you!...

I’m involved in a festival called Manchester Curious. What this festival does is gets access to buildings and spaces in the city, not normally open to the public, and organises tours of them. This year’s festival is between 6th and 9th October 2016.

But in the run up to it we are trying to keep the festival in the public’s consciousness. I’m organising a @MCRCurioius2016 Twitter Hour each month. The first one is on 9th March between 7pm and 8pm. The theme will be ‘entrances’ and I want people to take pictures of entrances to buildings in Greater Manchester, large and small, grand or run of the mill, ones you like or mean something to you, and post them on the @MCRCurious2016 Twitter account and comment and retweet other people’s pictures.

It occurred to me that all the Greater Manchester blippers might be interested in joining in. You always have your cameras with you and seem to be looking for reasons to take pictures. So if you could, as you wander about the city, take some pictures of favourite or interesting entrances to buildings and post them on our Twitter account @MCRCurious2016 or #MCRCurious2016 at the appropriate time. You could look at other peoples and comment on them as well. We did this for the Dig The City Festival and it worked well. Am looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Please tell your friends. Cheers!

I’ve been out and about taking pictures for the event. Who knows where this rather grand entrance is?

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