Long-suffering sufferer...

Poor Danny does well at putting up with my blip addiction...sometimes he even smiles for the camera!
Am blipping this late as my laptop had a hiccup, and it's taken a while to get it working again...
The day included working in the Market Square and seeing all sorts of people...then a coffee break with Danny... Then much later, our Tuesday night Caña Club...good to see all the chats around the table, and all the growing friendships.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) My Uncle Trevor's kindly donated chunky knitwear (freezing here at the mo)! At Christmas I was packed off with various articles of clothing he no longer wears...They tick many of my boxes - I love men's knitwear. I love Uncle Trevor. I love things with history...(not that I'm calling you old Uncle T, in case you're reading this!)
2) An unexpected haircut! Feels like such luxury getting my hair cut! First time I've tackled the hair salon in Ibiza...I came out happy, so it was a success!
3) Caña Club. Love regularly meeting up with these same few people.

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