Fraggle Rock

By frisky

A clean break?

A ray of sunshine on a cloudy day...

Today was my last (planned) visit to the Maggies centre. Last of the chats with the wonderful people there. Going for the 1-2-1's was helpful and the group sessions with others that had lost a partner to cancer were eye opening to say the least. The ability to sit with a group of folks and feel genuine empathy instead of the usual sympathy was empowering to say the least. Looking back at the first group meeting where it was tears of sadness and then right through to the last session where it was laughing and giggling at each others latest exploits/discoveries.

Now I have waved goodbye to the counselling and group it's time to make my own way in the world. Already got what I want in work and things are going great, now to the next challenge, find a place of my own and jump head first into my new life, the past will always be with me (I would not have it any other way) but it's time to see what I can make of things now...

Carpe Jugulum

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