twinned with trumpton


So we cycled off into the sunrise together....

She stopped at the office; I carried on to the deep south, did some work and then wove my way back north (via Baz at lunchtime for a cuppa), and then onwards through Leith and home by mid afternoon. A satisfying day, and good to be cycling (even if the last hour got a bit blowy and wet, but by then I was close enough to the finish line to not be bothered)

In, wrote reports until 5 and then lost 2 hours taking her to Currys to try and procure a new laptop for her boy. I have to pick up the pieces tomorrow.

Finally in at 8; ;left over ceviche, left over fish stew with rice and some shit TV as we chatted.

I've enjoyed having her over; I think she's benefited from the break

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