One click at a time

By KeithKnight

July Challenge - I - Ice Cream Time

A long, long time ago, in a land far, far away there was a season called summer. In that time the sun would shine, the days would be long and dry, and the people would sit outside eating and drinking, going for picnics, playing summer games, watching the butterflies, the flowers would blossom and bloom.

Englishmen would be playing cricket on the village green, the girls would make chains of daisies for their loves, the ice-cream salesmen would pedal their bikes around or drive around in their vans selling ice-creams to the people to help them keep cool and it would just seem to go on for ever.

But this is Britain in 2012, for sun read rain, for hot read cool or cold, for outside read hiding from the rain inside.

So a historical blip to bring back memories to those of us who are old enough to remember - ice cream on a hot summers day. Document it now while you remember - as a keepsake for your grandchildren who will be able to sit in amazement as they read - if you try to tell them they will just think you are old and senile.

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