Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Pretty Flower

My orchid in our en-suite has been flowering for months now, and showing signs of new buds as well. Must be happy where it is.

Visit to mum as usual, she was happy although having a bath when I went so had to wait. She is beginning to lose the ability to feed herself - not sure if she is not seeing the food or just forgets the action (or not realising she is hungry). If you put a spoonful of cereal towards her she will open her mouth, and if the cup is put near her lips she will take it and continue to drink. She has lost dome weight, partly due to not being on anti-psychotic medication any more and partly her decrease in feeding. However, it is not a problem as she is over-weight (had always been a size 16 during her adult life, currently a size 20). But the main thing is that she is happy.

Then on to WW - amazed that after 3 weeks away (and not following the plan AT ALL), only put on 1 pound!

Spent the afternoon/evening catching up on admin and tv.

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