Vinofaktur in Steiermark (Styria)

We went to the Vinofaktur in a town near where we were staying in Styria, Austria. This is a produce store and exhibition featuring wine and gourmet products from the region. We went through the exhibition which included a glass of very nice white burgundy with the entrance ticket. We were given a porcelain spoon to taste the products which included pumpkin seed oil, pumpkin seeds pumpkin seed pesto, vinegars, honey, schnapps, salami and chocolate. There is a wine tasting area as well and many of the local wineries produce large bottles such as seen in the photo. The largest bottle holds 27 litres or 36 normal bottles, although I think the largest one in this photo is only 12 litres.
I was hoping to get a snow photo but it hasn't arrived, yet. Maybe tomorrow.

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