Tiny Tuesday Bear

Tiny Tuesday is sitting next to a lemon.  He arrived today from the Alzheimer's Society.  He is going to be one of the raffle prizes at a "Time for a Cuppa"  Afternoon I'm running on 5 March to raise money for Dementia UK.

Already feeling stressed at prospect of having to cook lots of cakes in between coming back from Iceland, going to work and going out to lunch with friends!!!!!

Made some shortbread today to store in a tin, Simnel cake is cooking as prize for "Guess the Weight of the Cake", Fruit scone dry mix has been frozen.  Spread sheet is on computer for the rest of the ingredients for cakes...

Could be a good Blipmeet on 11 March at the Dickens Museum in London (Meet 12.30) if there are lots of cakes left over!

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