Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Sunshine and Hailstorms

I'm wondering how many one way tickets out of Britain are being sold!

I don't normally have problems with the elements. My principle is that it's not the weather but the clothing that's wrong. Even now it's not personal, I think of the farmers and all those that depend on the seasons for their livelihood and to feed us.

Having done rain dances in April now I'm calling out to Apollo, Helios and all the other gods of the sun, including Horus's right eye, to give us some sunshine soon.

I came home this morning with sun streaming as I drove, and pouring rain in time to park the car. Now, as I type, there are bright rays at the door and thick black clouds, illuminated with regular lightning bolts, which have just passed over. The Hailstorms these thunderheads have brought this afternoon are the worst I have seen in a long time.

My next mention of the weather, hopefully will be to complain of the heat!

Taken between cloud bursts. A Meadow Brown who shares this Spear Thistle with a male Thick Legged Flower Beetle. Go large to see the difference between him and the female I shot the other day if you can. I've purposely put away the macro lens for a few couple of days! I hear you cry out "Enough bugs!". The hail has probably squashed them all now!

If I'm not commenting as much as I'd like, stay with me. Things get quite busy at times and I will always try to catch up at the weekend!

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