Return to the North

By Viking

To infinity and beyond - and a wave to Tim Peake

After seeing Cycling Granny's blip the other day I downloaded the NASA app on my phone which would tell me when the Space Station was over NZ. I have got up a couple of times over the last few days to take a shot only to find serious fog so decided to give up. Last night (or this morning to be precise) I woke up, checked the time, then the app and then checked outside - glorious starry sky. So at 4.15am I was staggering around getting camera, tripod etc out the back door and into the garden for this shot. 

It was only visible for 2 minutes so was checking the sky in what I thought was the right direction! Still nearly missed it! I was sooooo excited when I saw it.

After the excitement had died down I became much more thoughtful. 

When I was a teenager and through my Uni years I was an ardent atheist. This wasn't a throw away view - I had done philosophy A Level and degree level theology and philosophy. As I have aged and gained experience of the world I have become less sure of my ground.
Just looking at the vastness of the universe last night, the complexity of it and its beauty I cannot help but think that it is by design and not by default. It really was very moving and filled my heart to the brim with something. 

A second shot is in my extras

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