Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Water Water Everywhere

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Assessor's visit today and I woke up at 5.30am to the sound of running water. Got up to find the water boiler in our bathroom had burst - well, one of the pipes had come away from the wall. The bathroom was flooded, everything sodden, and the water right out the hall and to the front door (to the right at the end of the pic here). It took me till 8.00 to get it cleaned up. I couldn't find a mop (since found stashed away in an unlikely cupboard) and so had to put down anything I could find to soak up the water - duvets, towels, mattress protectors, sheets. What I hadn't realized at the time was that the water had gone over the wooden floor too, soaked in, and only realized when a few slats of parquet started to warp 48 hours later. See Bb's shot here to see the damage which began to appear later:

Anyway, assessor's visit was all good. Thank goodness I was all organised as I didn't get to school till 9.15 instead of my planned 8.30.

The school organised for a plumber to repair the boiler in the afternoon. My pic shows the hall etc after I'd cleaned most of the water up, but left the duvet in the bathroom as the pipe was still leaking a little.

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