The Blues

This seemed rather an apt name to come across as I walked into town in the rain yet again.
The bright colour belies the atmosphere of a city seemingly perpetually under a rain cloud and struggling round disabling roadworks with bedraggled tourists covered in plastic rain capes dodging puddles and traffic cones.

You will notice that I have managed to avoid the 't 'word in conjunction with the air of general chaos abroad in the centre. Every time I venture there, I am rerouted round road and pavement blocks to discover new alley ways.

In the short time I was out, his Lordship had taken it upon himself to throw out things from the fridge that shouldn't have been thrown out. Don't you just love masterful men that spring into action the moment your back is turned, and get it wrong.

A brighter spot looms this afternoon in the shape of a get together tea party of some cycling pals who listened to the weather forecast last night and decided that bums on settees was a better option than bums on saddles.

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