Royal icing heart cookies

So there I am at my folding table set up in the kitchen, icing the cookies and using Kent as my assistant.  It was his job to put the cookies out for me to ice and then move to the other side of the table when done.

As I was filling in the cookies and 'tapping' them so they would be a solid flat surface, Kent says to me "Please don't.  I like them like they are.  They have character.  If they are solid and flat they look store bought."  So I left them as they were.

Cold today with a cold wind.  Been next door to give Jim his Valentine's already, but don't yet see Runyon up to give him his.  Heading off to the post office to mail boxes to my mum & sister with things they need/want and can't get over there.

Not sure what Kent and I will do this afternoon when he gets home from work.

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