A Snowy Egret in Charge

A couple of days ago, I had a small rant about how some fishermen are polluting the ocean. Well...today I ran into the director of Adopt A Shore, a local program that focuses on clean-up. She was perched on her sign. I voiced my concerns.

I spoke first. "Ma'am, what should I do if I see a fisherman throw his cigarette butt into the ocean?"

"Why don't you speak up?"

"I'm always afraid of getting my butt kicked."

"Well then...Sonny...maybe the problem isn't the fishermen...MAYBE IT'S YOU!!! WHY DON'T YOU QUIT BEING SUCH A PANTYWAIST, AND STICK UP FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE OCEAN...MY OCEAN!!!"

Sheesh. I couldn't even ask my second question. Imagine...being told off by an egret!

Check out a few pelican shots in the Extras. What a remarkable bird. Make sure to see the pelican with the full mouth. THAT'S one of the reasons why you shouldn't feed them the scraps of the fish. I watched this guy for an hour, and I think the fish is wedged in its throat. Not good.

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