
I shared a sombre moment with Dan and Abi at the weekend when we realised that they were going to be with me on pancake day. "It'll probably be all right" said Dan, doubtfully. "Maybe mum will make us some before we come to you" said Abi a little more bluntly. 

In order to mitigate the anticipated calamity, the Minx and I went to Aldi in Chorley, where there had been sightings of special pans designed for the occasion. In the event, though, many other people lacking confidence in their pancake preparation had beaten us to it and all that was left was a basket full of special pancake spatulas, coloured yellow and burnished with a faint sheen of insecurity about pancake tossing.

In the end, it wasn't too bad. I bought some whipped cream in a can for Abi to put on hers - although this prompted an anecdote from Dan about the time I apparently nearly choked him by squirting it straight into his mouth - and he seemed pretty happy with some granulated sugar to spread generously on his. 

As per the Minx's premonition, it was indeed my frying pan that let me down for the most part although it must be admitted that my pancake mix was a little on the turgid side. 

Pudding, though, was an Oreo cheesecake and I think that that is the memory we will take away from pancake day, this year. Sorry; not think, hope.

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