Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


From neurology to be referred to spinal surgeons. Mr Mouse sure does know how to make a medical drama, getting almost as good as me.

Letter sounds scary mentioning canal stenosis and impingement of the cord. This is all in his neck. Connecting the dots we think this is why he falls over a lot. The issues before were mainly his arm that was affected, now he tells me he has started to get the pins and needles in his feet and is having pain when walking.

Will be making a list for the next consultant, we have the paperwork to book the next appointment. Hoping we get one soon.

Me I'm still down, only reason I had dinner is because Mr Mouse cooked me something otherwise I think I would have just gone straight to bed. Also had a horrible day at work, they have changed the way we do phone shifts, today was my first day on the new shift, they wanted feedback and they got it. I told them I found it very stressful and if they are going to keep it that way then I will ask for a reasonable adjustment to take me off the phone rota, I said its that or it makes me sick and they aren't allowed to make me sick. I told them the only saving grace was that it was only half a day (original proposal was meant to be a full day) and that if it had have been a full day they would have found me under the desk rocking back and forth crying. Yes I would actually prefer more phone shifts the old way than less shifts the new way and I hate the phones (I hate phones in general, I have a sort of phone phobia, I also have issues on the phone relating to my disability, it's to told with the non visual nature of it and so my brain has to work harder to understand and using my brain more makes me tired and tired leads to brain fog which makes it harder for me to understand so I have work that little bit harder which makes me tired ... Can you see where this is going? Lol)

I listened to heavy metal from my youth to soothe me during the afternoon. I am coping better at work locked away in my own little world thanks to my headphones and Amazon prime music.

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