Ladies who Lush

Chatted to Mike about my project, did a bit more on it then MrRoly gave me a lift to Gylly Beach Cafe to meet Blipper D. What followed can only be described as a boozy lunch! It was wonderful to hear how proud she is of Grandson George, how well it is going with her newly found family but so sad with regards to the situation with her Mum and John. So many different emotions for D to deal to with at the moment.

Fortunately MrRoly arrived as we were both about to get very tearful and lifted the mood. As we were about to leave, the sun appeared - if I'm honest, I'm quite impressed that D is stood upright and I managed to take a photo! He got me home perfectly in time for me to have a little snooze while they all went out to do Scouty stuff!

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