Exciting News!

As some of you may know, I have not had my hair cut for over a year for a very good reason! 

I have decided to donate my hair to The Little Princess Trust who make real wigs for children who suffer from hair loss through illness. 

I thought I might be getting a bit too old for long hair and the Trust want less than 10% grey, uncoloured, undamaged hair of at least 7" in length. I fit all of that criteria so thought why not!

Last night I set up a Just Giving page which I launched on Facebook, asking friends and family to Donate just £1 and share my link. 

I was totally stunned to find this morning, less than 12 hours later, that it had raised over £100!!! Im so pleased. Thank you everyone who have donated so far, including fellow Blippers Fluffikins, CharlotteJ, KarenC (Life in Brighton) and Sue's Eye View who actually handed me cash way back last year as my first donation! You are all amazing.

So, whilst I'm not posting this to beg - ok, I am! - I'm posting because I wanted to document what I'm doing and how far we have got already to helping a little girl feel like a Princess again.

But if you would like to made a donation, then please feel free. You can find the link to my Just Giving here or by copying and pasting the link below. 

Because its not coming off until I have raised £350!!!! (the cost of making a new wig for a Princess!)

Thank you!

and the blurb from Just Giving.......
I'm taking part in the Chop For Charity in April to raise money for the Little Princess Trust and I'd really appreciate your support.

Donating to my JustGiving page is easy - just follow this link and click Donate: PayPal donations also accepted.


JustGiving sends your donation straight to Little Princess Trust so it’s a quick and safe way to donate.

Thank you,


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