Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Billy Baltic

  Passed the Baltic today and looked up to see a pic of Bill Murray taking a pic of me.  Well not really but the perspective was clever and it gave that impression.  

Didn't go into the exhibition, ran out of time.  

Also spotted another Blipper???  snapping away on the Quayside.  See extra pic.

"BILL MURRAY: a story of distance, size and sincerity is an exhibition that enjoys and considers the effects of small, miniature, big, gigantic, the scaled up and scaled down, detail and overview. It is an exhibition that questions how one experiences and measures things. It encourages comparisons and differences, instabilities and slipperiness and attempts to use exaggeration as a means of revelation. This exhibition strives for both intimacy and grandeur, to present production and consumption and hopes for imaginative flight from humble objects'.  ©  Baltic Website.

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