A cold and frosty morning saw me out picking a few snowdrops so that I could take part in the Flower Friday challenge and also continue with the Mono Month Challenge.
You might think that taking a white snowdrop on a black background would be easy - well it might be for a more experienced photographer, but who knew that even a small speck of dust would ruin a perfectly good photograph? Of course, there may be photographers who aren’t (a) as picky as me and (b) don’t have that much dust in their homes!
The piece of black card I have needs replacing, the shiny glass didn’t work, the black velvet - well that was a complete disaster - so after about fifty photographs and much gnashing of teeth, here is my offering for Flower Friday and also for the Mono Month Challenge - I can’t say I am completely happy with this, but I have tried my best.
I guess I should do some housework now, to get rid of all this dust - but it’s a sunny day, so think I will go out instead - after all, the dust will still be here when I get back - unless of course, Mr. HCB decides to pick up a duster, but I think that is highly unlikely.
Our older grandson is 21 today, so we will be thinking of him and when we go out for our dinner this evening with friends, will raise a glass to him for a long, prosperous and happy life - just wondering where those years went!
Life doesn’t require that
we be the best,
only that
we try our best.
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