Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Blushing Goodbye

After a very warm day (99 degrees at 3:30 this afternoon), the evening has cooled to comfortable with the help of a lovely breeze. Then with a beautiful blush the evening sailed away.

Our patio re-do began today with a worker here ALL day digging holes for the poles that will support the extended patio/shade cover structure that we are having installed. Once the cover is complete, then the landscaping will begin.

Because a worker was in the yard all day, the dogs could not be. So several times today I hitched each pooch to his or her leash and walked through the neighborhood with plastic bags in my pockets. Max got to go out with me first, so the girls, Chloe and Mitzi, were just beside themselves that they had to wait in their crates for us to return. Then it was Mitzi's turn, and finally Chloe. It was HOT out there and I would have opted for staying in the crate in the air conditioned house, but that was not their choice.

This has been a good and hot summer day. We are thankful for air conditioning and we try to keep it at about 78 degrees which is really more comfortable than it sounds. This house doesn't need to feel like a refrigerator! Once the cool evening breeze begins, we open all the windows for natural air conditioning and save on the electric bill.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. We are hoping and praying that little Tristan is going to get to join us in a few days and then head off to camp on Catalina Island with us for a week. He is currently staying at his dad's place, which is not good for us since "dad" never returns our calls, texts, or FB messages. We're hoping that Desiree, our granddaughter, can convince him to let Tristan go to camp with us.

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