Abstract Thursday 33 Sparkling lawn
We woke this morning to a very light frost - a rare event this winter - which was melting more quickly than I could get out into the garden with my camera. Still, the lawn looked very pretty and sparkly so I've used one of the shots to create this week's abstract. During the week I downloaded a trial of Topaz Star Effects which works as a plug in with Photoshop. I love sparkle of all kinds, so this was the perfect chance to try it. I've tried hard not to overdo it! I'm sure I'll be buying when the free trial is up. The extra is a psychedelic version!
In other news: I lost a mere 0.5 lbs at Slimming World this week (but down is always better than up) and had a dental appointment for...the first time in 6 years! This is not quite as awful as it seems, as some of you will know that my dentist is none other than Mr MC, so any potential problems can be spotted without having an actual visit. I'm pleased to report that I only needed a scale and polish!
Thank you as always to Youoregon1 for continuing to host this great challenge.
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