Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


A wander round the Links was in order this morning in the sun. We were accompanied by a big bouncy labradoodle, Marley, and his mum. Though he wasn't the slightest bit interested in wee Archie, who ran after him in hope.

The plumber came to check out if it was possible to fit a water tap on the front of the house, to make washing the car less bother. Turns out it is possible, of course, but too much bother/expense. A bucket it shall remain, then.

As soon as the plumber left, I popped to the pool for my third session this week, and managed twenty lengths without too much interruption, though I did move over to the open, un-laned side for a while. Home for some delicious white toast and jam, and to watch my favourite serial, the Aussie one. Series One ended yesterday, but Series Two started today. And shock, horror - there has been a murder!!

If I don't see Archie for a while at any time, I know he's up to mischief. I have to shut bedroom and lounge doors when I have a shower, because he pokes around till he finds slippers, socks, remotes etc to chew. And now again, when I am careless, he is rewarded with his most lusted-after item - my hat!

This morning he was nowhere to be seen. I called him. No answer. I looked for him. I never have to look far - there he was, behind the sofa. Looking guilty.

Look at that beady little eye...

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