Tarn Hows

Weather set fair so we decided to head into the Lake District to see what we could find.  Settled on Tarn Hows with the dual benefit of good photography and an opportunity for a leg stretch.  Lovely.  Sunny, and even warmish in the sun.  Car park empty when we arrived but it soon filled up and everyone seemed to be enjoying the sunshine.

Cumbria is showing off today and reminds me why I love it so.

Lunch at the Drunken Duck was tasty - Santana had a peanut curry and I had haddock chowder.  Yum.

Home via Esthwaite Water and Newby Bridge.  

Parcel in the porch at home - flowers from No 2 son.  He knew I had been a bit down and decided to cheer me up.  He is a keeper.

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